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Speaking Overview

Public Speaking Topics | Continuing Education for Professionals | Praise
Sample Videos | Past Public Events | Past CE Workshops


Dr. Laurie Mintz has been an educator, therapist, researcher, and speaker in the field of human sexuality for several decades. Dr. Mintz loves to simultaneously educate audiences and make them laugh. She has the experience necessary to deliver an informative, engaging, and entertaining presentation or workshop to your college, university and/or organization. See below for a list of potential public speaking topics, CE workshop topics, video clips, and praise. Please note that Dr. Mintz can deliver any talk or workshop virtually.

Published research proves that Dr. Mintz’s presentations work! People who listen to her speak become more sexually aware, empowered, and even more orgasmic!


Public Speaking Topics

bed satisfied

Becoming Cliterate:
Closing the Orgasm Gap

In this entertaining and engaging talk, Dr. Laurie Mintz uses startling statistics and poignant real-life stories to expose the orgasm gap—the fact that during heterosexual sexual encounters, cisgender men are having way more orgasms than cisgender women. In this talk, Dr. Mintz also reveals the cultural causes for this gap and provides inspiration and encouragement to take a stand against these societal issues. She also provides solutions to close the gap in individual bedrooms, using tried-and-true skills based in sex therapy. Using both humor and science, Dr. Mintz explains how students can benefit from applying the following rhyming advice to close the orgasm gap and enhance their sexual pleasure: Meditate, Masturbate, Vibrate, Lubricate, Communicate! The presentation of these scientifically-supported techniques will assure that all attendees – not just the heterosexual cisgender students impacted by the orgasm gap – will benefit.


In this presentation, Dr. Mintz also draws clear connections between pleasure equality and sexual consent. She also explains how feeling entitled to pleasure in the bedroom can help enhance confidence in other areas of life, or in other words, how empowerment in the bedroom leads to confidence in the boardroom and beyond. Attendees will leave this presentation more sexually knowledgeable and confident, and inspired to be part of the sexual revolution for pleasure equality.


Everything A Sex Therapist Wants You To Know About Sex

Without scientifically-sound sex education, young people turn to media and porn for their sex information. While media and porn can be entertaining and titillating, it is not education. Indeed, while there are mixed results across studies on the effects of porn (i.e., some negative, some positive, and some mixed), one finding is consistent. That is, when young people use porn as a role model, problems ensue. In this funny but compelling presentation, Dr. Mintz overviews some of the false images perpetuated by the media and porn, and the problems they cause in real life—including sexual pain, erectile dysfunction, and body-image self-consciousness during sexual intimacy. Dr. Mintz also replaces these falsehoods with truths that have the power to heal self-consciousness and enhance sexual functioning. Using her characteristic combination of candid information and humor, Dr. Mintz reveals the truth about a variety of topics college students have false information about including (but not limited to):


  • Virginity

  • Sexual Pain

  • Orgasms

  • Sex Toys

  • Lubricants

  • Masturbation

  • Penis Size

  • Vulva/Vagina Appearance

  • Pubic Hair

  • Sexual Satisfaction during Hookups

  • Specific Sexual Acts

  • Kinky Sex


Dr. Mintz saves plenty of time for questions and provides a platform for these to be asked anonymously—though she is so outstanding in creating a feeling of openness and safety in her presentations, that many students will feel comfortable to ask their questions out loud. Students will leave this presentation with the knowledge and skills to make informed and safe sexual decisions and to experience satisfying and mutually pleasurable sex.

At the Library

Trends in College Student Sexuality: What’s Better, What’s Worse, and What to Do About It

In 2017, Dr. Laurie Mintz wrote an award-winning book, Becoming Cliterate, which was lauded as being revolutionary. Indeed, many sources credit Dr. Mintz and this book for exposing the gendered orgasm gap—and for starting a new sexual revolution for orgasm equality. In this presentation, Dr. Mintz demonstrates that while today more college students are aware of the orgasm gap, few are applying this knowledge to their own sex lives.


She also overviews new and disturbing trends in college student sexuality including: the high percentage of women experiencing sexual pain, as well alarming numbers of women experiencing scary sex and sexual coercion. She discusses an overall decrease in sexual activity among college students and possible reasons for this trend. She also points to research showing more college students are engaging in kinky sex, some without adequate safety measures. She notes the trend of an increase in students identifying as non-heterosexual and non-gender binary—despite increasing fear among GLBTQ+ students given the current cultural and political climate. She also reveals the prevalence of racial stereotyping in hookup sex. Throughout this presentation, Dr. Mintz engages attendees with anonymous polling technology to confirm these trends on their own campuses. Importantly, empowering strategies to continue to close the orgasm gap and to intervene with troubling new trends are presented.

happy couple

Communication: The Bedrock to Make Your Bed Rock

In this informative and entertaining presentation, Dr. Laurie Mintz teaches attendees the most important skill they can possess across all life situations: Communication. Indeed, as Dr. Mintz elucidates, good communication is essential to good relationships, good sex, and a successful career, yet it is a skill we receive almost no formal training in. This presentation points out some common myths about communication, replacing these falsehoods with more accurate beliefs. Eight essential and life-changing communication skills (including both listening skills and talking skills) are presented and demonstrated. Finally, good sexual communication—which is simply a subset of good general communication—is detailed. Sexual communication skills to use outside the bedroom, before sex, during sex, and after sex are provided. Attendees will leave this presentation better able to listen to others and to speak their mind in effective ways, across multiple life scenarios and situations.

Continuing Education for Professionals

Dr. Mintz has given both in-person and virtual CE workshops (ranging from one to eight hours) to several professional groups, including nurses, physicians, psychologists, and other mental health professionals. For psychologists and other mental health professionals, she can speak on the importance of, and strategies for, talking to clients about sexual functioning. She can also speak on treating the two most common concerns women bring to sex therapist: Diminished Sexual Desire and Difficulty Orgasming with a Partner. Dr. Mintz has presented on these topics individually and in combination. For medical professionals, Dr. Mintz has a presentation that she has given at multiple conferences and Grand Rounds titled, “Women’s Sexual Health: Brief Interventions for Busy Physicians” (or Nurses). She has the experience necessary to tailor a CE workshop to your organization's needs. Contact her to discuss your needs for a CE workshop.


“Dr. Mintz had fantastic stage presence, fitting right in with the seasoned stand­ up comics who she shared the stage with. She answered every question with humor, knowledge, and sensitivity! On several occasions in the show, the audience broke out in both applause and laughter in response to Dr. Mintz's statements. Several audience members approached me afterwards, raving about Dr. Mintz's part of the show and stating that they hoped she could return to answer more questions in the future. Indeed, Dr. Mintz was a key component in educating and dispelling shame around women's anatomy, which was the goal of my show. Dr. Mintz's has a gifted ability to talk about sex in a tangible, healing, humorous and inclusive way.” 

Shelly Slocum, Producer,
The Fetal Position

—  Name, Title




Sample Videos

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A Sampling of My Public Speaking
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Keeping Intimacy Alive in Menopause: A Conversation with Dr. Laurie Mintz
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Make your Woman COME… reliably!
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Laurie Mintz, Ph.D.: Sexuality, Mindfulness & The Orgasm Gap
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Past Events
Past Public Events

Below please find a sampling of prior public talks.

  • Everything a Sex Therapist Wants You to Know About Sex: Presentation Made to 75 students at University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

  • National Association of Campus Activities ShowcaseDes Moines, Iowa: Presentation Given to over 500 student leaders and staff

  • Becoming CliterateKeynote Presentation for International Women’s Day given to approximately 150 students and staff, Union College

  • Becoming Cliterate: Presentation given to approximately 100 students, Psychology Department Speaker Series, Chapman College
    A New Sexual Revolution for Orgasm Equality

  • Navigating Sexuality in a Complex World: Trends in College Women’s Sexual Experiences.  Presentation made via webinar for the Cliteracy Conference, hosted by Kiss and Tell Magazine.

  • A New Sexual Revolution for Orgasm Equality: TEDxUF

  • Becoming Cliterate: Virtual presentation given to over 200 students enrolled Humans Sexuality courses at Chapman College.

  • Let’s Talk About Sex & Relationships: Virtual presentation given as part of AARP series on menopause. 

  • Becoming Cliterate: Virtual presentation given to over 60 students at Austin Peay State University (APSU)

  • An Interview with Dr. Laurie Mintz: Online presentation given to about 50 students in a Biology of Women class at Indiana University

  • Let’s Close the Orgasm Gap: Presentation given to over 200 attendees at an international, online celebration of women’s sexuality organized by the Shalis Institute.

  • Becoming Cliterate:  Virtual presentation given to approximately 14 graduate students enrolled in a Sex-Positive Approaches to Therapy course at University of Nebraska-Lincoln

  • Overcoming Orgasm and Desire Issues: Presentation made via webinar to a lay audience in the Netherlands, sponsored by VLAM Magazine.

  • Becoming Cliterate: An Evening of Conversation Between Rachel Bloom and Dr. Laurie Mintz, sponsored by the UCLA Campus Events Commission.

  • The Fetal Position: An entertaining/educational event about Lady Parts:  Q+A in front of audience of 200 people at the Dynasty Typewriter Theatre, Los Angeles, CA.

  • Becoming Cliterate: Intimate dinner talk given to 25 women for Happy Women Dinners.

  • Becoming Cliterate: Keynote presentation given to about 100 students at Harvard University’s annual Sex Week.

  • Sex in the Swamp: Part of a four-person, hour-long SEXpert panel for this campus educational event in which over 150 University of Florida students asked anonymous question via a phone app. Sponsored by University of Florida Student Health Care Center and Alpha Lambda Chapter of Eta Sigma Gamma at UF.

  • Becoming Cliterate: Book Signing and Talk. Presentation given to over 100 students at the University of Florida, sponsored by the Department of Psychology and the Center for Gender, Sexualities and Women’s Studies Research

  • Becoming Cliterate with Dr. Laurie Mintz (Getting Pleasure & Giving Consent): Presentation given to about 20 students at the University of Florida as part of Cupid’s Consent Week, sponsored by GatorWell’s STRIVE (Sexual Trauma Interpersonal Violence Education), UF Women’s Student Association, and Planned Parenthood Generation Action UF

  • Becoming Cliterate: Presentation given to approximately 50 residents of Tucson, AZ, sponsored by Antigone Books & Dusty Monk Pub

  • Becoming Cliterate: Presentation given to approximately 60 students in a freshman-only dorm at the University of Florida

  • No Faking It: An Open Forum on Sexuality: Presentation given to over 50 sorority and fraternity members at the University of Florida.

  • Sex Experts Webinar Series: Becoming Cliterate with Dr. Laurie Mintz: Presentation given via webinar to 75 attendees, sponsored by the Center for Healthy Sex

  • Becoming Cliterate: Presentation given to over 75 attendees, Amber Rose Foundation OPENed Conference, Los Angeles, CA.

  • Becoming Cliterate: From Student to Sexpert. Presentation given to over 50 students at Union College, Schenectady NY.

  • Female Orgasm: Fact and Fiction. Presentation given to over 75 students in the UF Neuroscience Club.

  • The Power of Words: How Communication Can Change Your Life. Presentation given to over 500 adults attending One Day University, St. Petersburg, Florida.

  • Let’s Talk About Sex: Presentation given to 100 students in the University of Florida Psychology Club.

  • Girls Night Out: A Conversation with Laurie Mintz. Presentation given to 30 women at the Little Vineyards Winery, Sonoma, CA.

  • Sexual Passion in Mid-Life: Why It’s Important & What You Can Do To Achieve It. Presentation given to 50 adult members of the Inside Edge Organization, Irvine, CA.

  • Sex Tips for Tired Moms: Presentation given to 40 members of the San Francisco Mom’s Club, Belmont, CA.

  • No Time or Energy for Sex: Tips for Moms-of-Multiples. Presentation given to 25 members of the Mothers-of-Multiples Club, Columbia, MO.

Past CE Workshops

Below please find a sampling of prior CE Workshops.

Dr. Mintz has given many academic lectures and plenary addresses at district-level, national and international professional conferences (e.g., American Association for Sex Therapists, Educators, and Counselors; Society for Sex Therapy and Research; American Psychological Association; American Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology) for which CE credit has been given.  Please see her vita for details. Below you will find a sampling of independent CE workshops given.

  • Treating the Two Most Common Female Sexual Complaints: Orgasm Issues and Diminished Desire

    • As a part of TZK seminars, Dr. Mintz gives this 3-hour CE in a webinar format every other month, and it is also available for purchase as part of their recorded webinar library. Webinar FormatRecorded Webinar

    • As part of the certification training for Modern Sex Therapy Institute, Dr. Mintz gives this as an 8-hour CE yearly. (this CE remains available for purchase here)

    • 1.5-hour CE presentation given by VLAM Magazine to over 30 sex therapists in the Netherlands

    • Why You Need to Talk to Your Clients About Sex: 2-hour CE Presentation made via webinar for the Zur Institute.

    • Solutions for Female Orgasm Problems: Helping Your Clients Become Cliterate: 1-hour CE Seminar Given at the “Keeping the Spark Alive” conference, sponsored by the Sexual Health Alliance


  • Treating Diminished Desire: 2-hour CE seminar given to Aviva Psychological Service, Boston, MA


  • Treating Anorgasmia and Other Orgasm Issues: 2-hour CE Seminar given to Idaho Sexual Health Professionals (ISH) Conference.


  • When Sex is a Chore and the Magic is Missing: Understanding and Treating Diminished Desire and Nonorgasmic Sex among Cisgender Women.

    • 3-hour CE presentation made via webinar for the University of Florida Counseling and Wellness Center and Associated Centers Across Florida.

    • 3-hour CE presentation made via webinar, sponsored by Ball State University Department of Counseling Psychology.


  • When Her Libido is Lost & the Magic is Missing: Understanding and Treating Diminished Desire & Non-Orgasmic Sex. 3-hour CE Presentation made via webinar for the Zur Institute.


  • Sexuality in a Sexist World: Trends in College Women’s Sexual Experiences. 1-hour CE presentation made via webinar for Meet & Green, Florida Chapter of the Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, & Therapists.


  • Women’s Sexual Health: Brief Interventions for Busy Nurses. Presentation made via webinar to the Gonzaga University School of Nursing & Human Physiology. 


  • Women’s Sexual Health: Brief Interventions for Busy Physicians. Presented at Grand Rounds and/or for CME Credit:

    • Via Webinar to about 20 Ob-Gyns, Independently Organized, Atlanta, GA

    • Via Webinar to Physicians in the Netherlands (sponsored by VLAM magazine)

    • Via webinar to the Orlando Health-Winnie Palmer Hospital staff physicians.

    • Via webinar to Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine, Dublin, Ohio.

    • Via webinar to NSU Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine, Tampa, Florida.

    • Via webinar to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jamaica Hospital Medical Center, Bronx, NY.

    • In person at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida.


  • Low Desire & Orgasm Concerns Among Women: Causes and Treatment Strategies: Three-hour CE presentation given via webinar for the Bay Area Chapter of the Florida Psychological Association.


  • Master Class: Becoming Cliterate. CE Presentation made via webinar for Everyone Deserves Sex Ed Conference. 


  • Sex-Positivity: What it is & Why it’s Essential to Your Practice. CE presentation made via webinar for the American Psychological Association’s Society of Counseling Psychology’s Presidential Practice Engagement Series.

  • Solutions for Female Orgasm Problems: Helping Clients Become Cliterate: Three-hour CE presentation given simultaneously in person and via webinar for the American Psychological Association (this CE remains available for purchase here).

  • Solutions for Female Orgasm Problems: Helping Clients Become Cliterate: One-hour CE presentation given via webinar to the Utah Chapter of the American Association of Sex Therapists, Educators, and Counselors.

  • Becoming Cliterate: Why Orgasm Equality Matters—And How To Get It: One-hour CE presentation given via webinar to the Arizona Chapter of the Association of Sex Counselor, Therapists, and Educators

  • Solutions for Female Orgasm Problems: Helping Clients Become Cliterate: One-hour CE presentation given in person to the North Central Chapter of the Florida Psychological Association.

  • Low Sexual Desire: Causes and Treatment Strategies: One-hour CE presentation given in person to the North Central Chapter of the Florida Psychological Association.

  • Low Sexual Desire: Causes and Treatments: One-hour CE presentation given in person at the Women’s Health Symposium, MU School of Medicine.​

Past CE Workshops
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