A Tired Woman's Guide to Passionate Sex
Reclaim Your Desire and Reignite Your Relationship
“Honey, I’m too tired” may sound like just another excuse but for millions of American women, it’s simply the truth. They may settle for no sex at all or the obligatory “I’d better do this for my marriage” sex often to the detriment of their relationships.
In this guide, Dr. Laurie B. Mintz shows women how to bring their libido back to life and put the passion back into their lives. Mintz, a psychologist and sex expert, has been there, both personally and professionally.
She shares her own story, as well as the stories of her many clients, as she puts forward her foolproof five-step plan designed to excite and energize even the weariest of stressed-out women. Complete with case studies and exercises, this sex-cure-in-a-book is all readers need to feel strong, sexy, and sensual again!
Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: Adams Media (September 18, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1605501077
ISBN-13: 978-1605501079
Research Supporting "A Tired Woman's Guide to Passionate Sex"
Studies Cited In "A Tired Woman's Guide To Passionate Sex"
In A Tired Woman’s Guide to Passionate Sex, psychologist Laurie Mintz writes:
“I have written this book as if I were talking to you in my private therapy office. As you read this book, I want you to feel as if you are having a personal and useful talk with someone that you trust. In keeping with this conversational tone, when I tell you about research studies and expert opinions, I say ‘A study found’ rather than saying ‘In 2008, researchers Smith and Jones found…’ If you are interested in locating or checking the studies or sources cited, a complete listing by chapter is available on my website.”
See the following document for this complete listing: Studies Cited in A Tired Woman’s Guide to Passionate Sex
Read the following reviews in full:
Praise for "A Tired Woman's Guide To Passionate Sex"
Psychologist Mintz offers solutions for women with flagging sex drives and lackluster love lives in this accessible guide. A onetime sufferer herself, Mintz speaks from a place of experience and professional wisdom, encouraging readers to explore the (admittedly gimmicky) “Five T’s”—thoughts, talk, time, touch and trysts—in an effort to reconnect with their libidos. After covering common causes (stress, life transitions, parenting, etc.), Mintz moves on to the techniques, many of which can be boiled down to increasing self-awareness, easing anxiety over charged thoughts or activities, and communicating with one’s partner; Mintz goes so far as to offer sample scripts for broaching the subject of sex issues. Bolstered with plenty of case studies, readers are bound to identify with at least some of the examples here, learn to disregard the concept of “normal,” and find plenty of worthwhile exercises. Taking her topic seriously (also addressing, early on, more serious concerns such as illness, sexual trauma, and infidelity), Mintz offers deep sympathy and a number of sound options for rekindling burned-out sex lives.
Publisher’s Weekly
September 2009
The most frequently heard presenting complaint in sex therapist’ offices, from both males and females, is inhibited sexual desire (ISD). And the most common explanation for low sex drive (LSD) is fatigue. I love this book because it is THE ONLY one that honestly deals with the causes of the exhaustion and provides positive suggestions to get back some, if not all, of the zing.
Talk Sex with Sue on Oxygen and Other Channels
As a sex therapist who has seen many couples and individual women complaining of lack of desire, I was curious as to whether Laurie Mintz’s Tired Woman’s Guide to Passionate Sex would be of value to my clients. In an organized, clear format, Mintz lays out the myriad of causes for their innate desire or libido, while providing many reasons why the path to regain it is worth it emotionally, medically and spiritually. Also included are tried-and-true techniques she has used in treatment to inspire a revitalization in her clients’ sex lives. Mintz has written the book in a supportive, warm, authentic voice. I also appreciated her transparency in sharing her own personal journey in her introduction. Additionally, throughout the book, she has interspersed case examples from her practice which offer the reader scenarios with which they might identify. By providing clear concise exercises and suggestions, Mintz effectively empowers women to revitalize their sexual and spiritual energy. I would recommend this to clients. I would also offer it to a friend who repeats that so oft repeated line: “Sex? That is the last thing I’m thinking about these days. But I do miss what I used to feel like.”
Review in the March 2010 Edition of Contemporary Sexuality
Laurie Mintz’s A Tired Woman’s Guide to Passionate Sex should be required reading for all tired women who want to rekindle their sexual desire — and all the men who want to support them. Basing her work in the best available science, Mintz uses her years of experience as a sex therapist and as a woman to give detailed and wise advice.
Professor of Psychology and Women’s Studies, University of Wisconsin | Past President, Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality | Past President, APA Division for the Psychology of Women
This groundbreaking, definitive book is written for all women (and their partners) who have ever been too tired to have sex, and who struggle with guilt, shame, resentment, and the loss of sexual desire! Using time tested psychological principles, Dr. Mintz provides information and guidance about activities and exercises in a conversational tone that is disclosing, open, honest, humorous, and straightforward. The result is a gently shaping of attitude and skills that provide opportunity for the path to passion! Dr. Mintz acknowledges that problems can be complex, and provides additional resources for those circumstances. Without a doubt, I recommend that all psychotherapists who work with women would benefit from this indispensable resource, and I am recommending it to my psychotherapist study group…and to my friends and relatives!
MELBA VASQUEZ, Ph.D., ABPP, Independent Practice, Austin, Texas
Member, American Psychological Association (APA) Board of Directors | Past President, APA Society of Counseling Psychology, APA Society for the Psychology of Women, and Texas Psychological Association
Despite the title, A Tired Woman’s Guide to Passionate Sex is optimistic about enlivening sex for women who may feel that sex is just too much work for not enough return! The author gives a lot of sympathetic advice and even more important, a good pep-talk about the benefits of an active sex life. Mintz respects her reader’s situation, but urges her to try some easy to do tips to reawaken her interest and sensuality. I totally support the author’s aim — letting sex go has more than the obvious downside of having less pleasure. It is important for one’s health, emotions and last, but certainly not least, keeping a relationship vital and strong. I commend the author on her book–and I hope that the women who need to read this book will take advantage of it’s message. It’s never too late to wake up, refresh life and reinvigorate our sexuality.
Author of Prime: Adventures and Advice about Sex, Love, and the Sensual Years | Past President of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality | President of the Centers for Sexualities at San Francisco State University
Dr. Laurie Mintz’s A Tired Woman’s Guide to Passionate Sex takes the woman by the hand and guides her through specific exercises to enhance her sensual and sexual experiences with her partner. A good read for all women who are tired and multitasking.